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Pictures of the farm visit

On Tuesday, May 19th, a pretty day, these students came to learn and had fun seeing new things about  the farm.  We enjoyed sharing what we do with them.

Learning about corn!

Planting their Corn!

Here the students are learning from Ashley, about corn.  One piece is called a kernel, grown on a cob.  The cob generally has 16 rows and 50 kernels in a row.  How many kernels is that per ear of corn? 

        One bushel is = 56 pounds, they tried to lift a bushel - heavy . . .

One bushel of corn makes 33 pounds of catsup, 325 cans of soda and 2 pounds of margarine.

The average person eats a bushel of corn in one year - corn syrup in your food.

1/3 of ALL Iowa land grows corn - we grow more than any other state.​



​Climbing in the tractor

The kids took turns planting their kernels of corn in the wet, muddy field.  But is was still fun. 

They wrote their names on a Popsicle sticks and and used the stick to poke a hole in the ground, to place the corn into. 

They planted their corn 2" deep and 6" apart. Then used the stick to mark their corn!  Can't wait till it comes up!

Checkin' out the 60,000 bushel grain bin . . .

The students enjoyed climbing and pretending to drive:

Backhoe, high-lift, tractors and semi tractor.  It was fun for them to see how and where a farmer lives when it is field work time!

Here the students got to see inside & feel the corn, it was cold they said.  They found out that this bin held tons of corn!  It has a sensor every foot to watch the temperature of the grain for Farmer Dean.  Each morning he gets an email with the current bin temperature. 

This is where he stores it until it goes to the elevator to be sold.

© 2013 Carol Coleman                                                                                    ADOPT A FARMER                                                                                         ​​​​​​​​

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